Check your information without wasting forms: review your data on-screen or print out a plain paper copy of the data you input and check it over before printing on to an AIA Original*. Input your information for all your contracts using an easy to follow format.
Copy all the data in an application or from specific lines within an application, no need to retype similar applications or lines.Format Your Item numbers with any characters and/or numbers. User defined Group Subtotals, Page breaks, Insert lines in place, and line renumbering.Insert in Place, no need to renumber lines, the program will ask you what you want and do it for you.Format Your Item numbers with any Characters and/or numbers.No need to adjust previous applications anymore. PEM Exclusive: Have you ever billed an amount but received less? The CAP has a Net Payment due option that shows what you’ve billed and been paid.Line Item, percentages or fixed amounts.The CAP© has a complete Database for your Previous Applications, Print applications and/or restore to the previous Manages Previous Applications for you.Click one button for next application and all values are calculated and moved to previous for you.Print CAP forms as blanks to plain paper.The CAP© Software Completes all these AIA* Documents and Prints Generic Forms for the same purpose: The program manages your database for you, next applications, previous application changes and billing retainage are easily done. The CAP © Software (Contractor’s Application for Payment) keeps track of contractors, architects, customers, previous applications, multiple companies and much more! The CAP© is a powerful program written specifically to handle your AIA* form completion needs and much more. Please see the construction software guide for alternatives. As of April 2017, PEM Software Systems is no longer in business.